And now the moment you've all been waiting for..... The Third Edition Of The Technology Hobbit Chat..... which was done in September, and I never got around to editing all the off-topicness. Until now. Anyway, if you want to read even older chats go to: I hope to start doing these chats again soon!
---------------------------------------------------------------------TechnoHobbit: Welcome to the third edition of The Technology Hobbit Chat, I am your host TechnoHobbit, and to day I have with me.....
EwokLemonade: <-
DJFluffyKittyCat: Hey whats up guys I'm DJFluffyKittyCat and im glad to be back. Its been a while.
EwokLemonade: You said it sister
TechnoHobbit: Yep
DJFluffyKittyCat: So what have we got today?
EwokLemonade: Yes, What HAVE we got today?
TechnoHobbit: Umm......... Xbox 720!
DJFluffyKittyCat: YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DJFluffyKittyCat: um... erm... sorry.
TechnoHobbit: You guys are Xbox fans, so what do you want from your next console?
EwokLemonade: Sorry. I'm back. There was some pie involved
TechnoHobbit: Pie!!!!
EwokLemonade: Chocolate cream
DJFluffyKittyCat: I dont know, The 360 was has so much. Whatever Microsoft can do to make it better I say do it.
EwokLemonade: I want EVERYTHING from the 720!!!!
TechnoHobbit: Right now the rumors say it's codenamed "Durango."
EwokLemonade: The 720?
TechnoHobbit: ^Yes^.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Other then motion senser remotes because XBOX does not need to lower itself to that level.
EwokLemonade: Yeah...
DJFluffyKittyCat: And because it has your body senser remote. Which is dah best.
TechnoHobbit: @DJ does Kinect count? (as a motion senser remote)
DJFluffyKittyCat: Kinect isn't a motion controller. You are the controller which is better. So no it doesn't count.
EwokLemonade: Yepyep
TechnoHobbit: Ah well I guess you will be happy to know the Xbox 720 is rumored to have the Kinect 2 built in.
DJFluffyKittyCat: That sounds pretty legit.
EwokLemonade: Personally, I'm hoping that eventually, instead of you just being the controller, the controller can connect to your nervous system an you can be IN the game.
EwokLemonade: And after that, I'll want my own TARDIS.
DJFluffyKittyCat: That would be awesome. Sadly that will be a ways a way. 3:36 PM
DJFluffyKittyCat: TARDIS? Sorry that's from doctor who. Which I'm going to start.
EwokLemonade: Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Coolz Coolz.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Well anything else on the 720?
EwokLemonade: I'm a Whovian
EwokLemonade: Oh right, the 720.
TechnoHobbit: There was a huge leak awhile ago, and it said that it would have some type of virtual reality
DJFluffyKittyCat: I will be back in a sec i have to pick tomatos.
EwokLemonade: I want Churro Machines, Slushy dispensers, and Foot massages from the 720.
EwokLemonade: And I want Super Powers from it.
EwokLemonade: And some Magic Beans
EwokLemonade: edited out by Tech.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Woah there ewok thats a little far.
EwokLemonade: And...
DJFluffyKittyCat: Lets get on track here.
EwokLemonade: too much?
DJFluffyKittyCat: Don't make it like last time
TechnoHobbit: ^
DJFluffyKittyCat: Huh? Simpler please.
EwokLemonade: Anti-Used games?
DJFluffyKittyCat: Yah whats that?
TechnoHobbit: They want to make it so you can't use Used Games, remember though it's just a rumor...... heh heh heh.
EwokLemonade: But half of the games at major game selling stores are used.
DJFluffyKittyCat: And? that's not bad. makes it so you get perfect discs, instead of scratched ones.
TechnoHobbit: Some people think it's good, some people think it's bad.
EwokLemonade: Yeah, but you have to pay full price as opposed to half used price.
DJFluffyKittyCat: So? I'm rich. it no madder to meh.
TechnoHobbit: I'm with Eowk.
EwokLemonade: Lol. I didn't know that farming got so mug income, DJ.
TechnoHobbit: (thankfully Nintendo has said the Wii U will allow used games
DJFluffyKittyCat: Still Wii U is made by Nintendo so it wont be better than 720.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Ever.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Even in ∞ years.
EwokLemonade: Wow.
TechnoHobbit: Anti-Nintendo are you?
DJFluffyKittyCat: yup.
DJFluffyKittyCat: OK. Next topic?
TechnoHobbit: You want to choose?
DJFluffyKittyCat: Yes I will.
EwokLemonade: What is it?
DJFluffyKittyCat: Hearthfire. It is an update for the bethesda game Skyrim. Here's a video:
EwokLemonade: Ugh.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Shut up ewok.
EwokLemonade: Not this again.
DJFluffyKittyCat: You don't even have Skyrim. lolololol!!
EwokLemonade: This has been all he's been talking about recently, Tech Hob
DJFluffyKittyCat: Ewok go die in a hole. It's all any skyrim fan is talking about dude.
EwokLemonade: No, it's overly obsessed fans that talk nonstop like you.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Shut up. at least I'm not a nerd, cuz only nerds watch doctor who.
TechnoHobbit: Is this real (the video)?
DJFluffyKittyCat: Yah.
TechnoHobbit: Wow, I guess it's cool
EwokLemonade: He started it.
EwokLemonade: All I said was "ugh" and went off with "Shut up Ewok".
TechnoHobbit: This DLC is only $5, not bad.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Yah. Being able to build a house kind of reminds me of minecraft. And 5 bucks? I didn't know it was this cheap until now. I will get it the day it comes out.
TechnoHobbit: Looks sort-of like the Sims to me.
EwokLemonade: I'll admit hearthfire sounds cool. But not if I hear about it constantly.
DJFluffyKittyCat: edited out
EwokLemonade: Lol
EwokLemonade: Anyways, Hearthfire?
EwokLemonade: Lol
Edited out about 10 minutes
TechnoHobbit: Lets change the topic..
EwokLemonade: ...
EwokLemonade: ok.
DJFluffyKittyCat: yah.
DJFluffyKittyCat: ewok your turn to choose.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Don't vegans like not have anything from animals?
TechnoHobbit: @DJ yes
EwokLemonade: Changing the topic, remember?
DJFluffyKittyCat: Yah it's just a question tho.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Wait so isn't it not just food but like you cant where leather and stuff right?
TechnoHobbit: @Dj yep no animal stuff whatsoever.
EwokLemonade: How about the recent advances in technology allowing scientists to change certain cells which could eventually lead to things such as cures for cancer and others and maybe immortality? or we could talk about new (editors note: even more off topic then the other thing he said so I'm getting rid of it)
TechnoHobbit: Uhhh, lets do recent advances in technology allowing scientists to change certain cells which could eventually lead to things such as cures for cancer and others and maybe immortality?
DJFluffyKittyCat: ok......
TechnoHobbit: Or favorite VGM (aka "Video Game Music").
EwokLemonade: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
DJFluffyKittyCat: ok vgm.
TechnoHobbit: Sorry Ewok
EwokLemonade: But... (editors note: getting rid of this too)
EwokLemonade: *Sigh* ok VGM
DJFluffyKittyCat: my favorite is this.......
EwokLemonade: My favorite song from any video game is definitely Legend of Zelda stuff. The main theme, Primarily
TechnoHobbit: @Dj Yes yes?! @Ewok same here.
DJFluffyKittyCat: ohhhh yeah....
DJFluffyKittyCat: It reminds meh of pirates of the caribbean.
EwokLemonade: It does...
EwokLemonade: But if we are talking main movie themes, my favorite is Back to the Future.
DJFluffyKittyCat: hah.
TechnoHobbit: That's good. Makes me want to play that game.
EwokLemonade: And if we are talking favorite movies, Back to the Future is my favorite there, too.
EwokLemonade: And if we are talking favorite eras, mine is the 80's.
DJFluffyKittyCat: My favorite movie is the dark knight rises.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Favorite era is right now.
EwokLemonade: That was a good one, but Back to the Future is a classic.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Dude that makes me want to play that game.
TechnoHobbit: Yeah, I want to replay it now.
EwokLemonade: Awesome.
EwokLemonade: I need that game.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Same.
DJFluffyKittyCat: cool makes me tired.
DJFluffyKittyCat: Ok well I have to go now.
TechnoHobbit: Ok.
EwokLemonade: Yeah we should end it here.
TechnoHobbit: Bye! Thanks for chatting!
DJFluffyKittyCat: Yeah see you next time. Bye.
EwokLemonade: Thank you! ........... ...................__ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( BROFIST ...........
EwokLemonade: That didn't work... Did it?
DJFluffyKittyCat: oh wait whats that behivjngdfhgejiuhdd znj hkIL:aJFK N<hbuy,ol;./'jlKl;
EwokLemonade: BYE GUISE!!
TechnoHobbit: Next time I'm going to talk and talk and talk about the Wii U/sorry, BYE again!
EwokLemonade: I LUV YOUZ
DJFluffyKittyCat: Its k see you!!!!!!!!
EwokLemonade: Bye-bye
TechnoHobbit: Wii U rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EwokLemonade: .. MEAT RULES
EwokLemonade left the chat
TechnoHobbit: Wrong
This end the forth chat. Hopefully we can start doing it again!
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